Our Grout Cleaning Experts Delivered Fantastic Results for a Homeowner in Tucson
October 28, 2024
A homeowner in Tucson usually looked forward to the satisfaction at the end of her household chores, but that feeling was absent when it came to her shower. For weeks, the grout had collected a lot of dirt that was impossible to remove, no matter how hard the owner scrubbed the floor and the seams. This only added to the stickiness that became more prominent each day until the homeowner contacted a professional grout cleaning service in Tucson.
The decision came after weeks of consideration since she wasn't used to getting such poor results, and her initial plan was to solve the issue with intensive cleaning sessions. Still, the homeowner understood the importance of having an informed opinion to keep the problem from repeating itself. She went online looking for companies in the area, and our picture gallery caught her attention right away. After getting more familiar with Sir Grout Tucson, she contacted us via phone call to schedule an appointment and hash out the details.
Our specialists arrived at her house a couple of days later, per her request. The homeowner outlined the problem for them and led them to the bathroom so they could look at the shower. The stains were visible against the beige ceramic tiles, and the shower's look was dull and unappealing despite the homeowner's best efforts to bring back some of its charm. Thick layers of efflorescence ran around many of the grout lines on the floor, and our techs confirmed that there was no sealant protecting the porous surface.
They explained Sir Grout's shower restoration process after discussing the downsides of using chemical-based cleaners on high-traffic surfaces. They needed to make some minor repairs on the seams and seal the grout to prevent water from seeping into the pores. They also confirmed that our cleaning equipment would restore the tiles' original beauty after removing all the embedded dirt. The homeowner was delighted with this assessment, so she didn't think twice before setting a date for the restoration.
Following her request, our crew returned to the house later that week and immediately got to work. After preparing the shower stall with clear plastic, they began cleaning the shower with the help of a non-toxic formula. It didn't take long to get through all the stains once the dirt had gone loose, so our techs scrubbed off the grime and soap scum before vapor-cleaning the entire shower stall.
They removed the old caulk and repaired the seams until the lines around the floor looked as good as new. Then, they used acrylic-based ColorSeal on the rest of the shower stall. This sealant creates a protective barrier to ward off water, soap, mold, grime, and other external elements. It's the ideal solution to keep the grout smooth and spotless through weeks of household activities.
The restoration was a success, so our techs showed the result to the client before putting away their equipment. As expected, she loved the shower's new look, stating that she could fully appreciate the tiles' beauty for the first time in months. She also promised to tell more people in Tucson about the wonders of our grout-cleaning process.
The client asked for for additional tips for shower surfaces, and our techs were happy to assist her. They knew how much trouble homeowners encountered when they put all their expectations on traditional cleaners, so the first recommendation was to replace these products with pH-neutral formulas. As shown by Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner, pH-neutral solutions are the best option if you're looking for maximum cleaning power and lasting results. Our product ensures you can remove the stains caused by soap, mold, and mildew more quickly because it permeates the surface and removes the dirt in minutes. There's no need to worry about discoloration, gradual damage to the grout, or toxic fumes, so our cleaner is the safest solution for your weekly cleaning routine.
We also gave some pointers on dealing with the hygienic issues caused by moisture buildup. Moisture can start multiple lasting issues, especially in a shower's enclosed space. It's important to avoid leaving pools of water sitting on bathroom surfaces for too long and to prioritize the room's ventilation. Basically, we recommend opening the windows and doors every day and cleaning any liquid residue with non-abrasive tools.
Do you want your shower to exude beauty and elegance? The specialists at Sir Grout Tucson are ready to tailor their services to your needs. We provide thorough cleaning and grout restoration services to ensure your bathroom surfaces always reflect your home's hygiene. We invite you to contact us today to learn more! Just call (520) 389-6218 or schedule a free quote online to request an appointment. Also, don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss our latest promotions and updates.
Categories: Tile, Grout, Cleaning, Sealing, Grout Repair, ColorSeal, Residential, Floors, Walls, Showers